Epigenetics, a term once at the fringes of biology, is now taking center stage in explaining how environmental factors can influence the behavior of our genes without altering the DNA sequence itself. This field of study investigates the biochemical changes that can activate or silence genes, effectively shaping how they manifest in traits, behaviors, and health outcomes.
Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and can be influenced by various external factors, including diet, stress, and exposure to toxins. More importantly, epigenetics has revealed that these changes can be passed down from generation to generation, challenging the notion that genetic inheritance solely concerns the DNA sequence passed from parents to offspring. This means that our ancestors' experiences, including traumas and lifestyle choices, can have cascading effects on our genetic expression.
For couples, this insight opens a new understanding of relationship dynamics, suggesting that the challenges they face may stem from deeper, more entrenched family patterns. By recognizing the role of epigenetics, we can begin to see our relationships in a new light, appreciating the profound connection between our biological heritage and our emotional lives.
Epigenetics and Family Constellations
Family constellations is a therapeutic approach designed to reveal and address hidden dynamics within the family system that may affect an individual's life and relationships.
This therapy emphasizes the importance of balance, order, and belonging within the family system, offering a path toward healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

The Science Behind Epigenetics in Couple Dynamics
The complex dance of couple dynamics has baffled and fascinated researchers, therapists, and lovers for centuries.
Congenital Trauma and Its Effect
At the center of interest is the concept of epigenetics, which provides a biological basis for the transmission of trauma. Epigenetics shows how traumatic experiences can lead to changes in gene expression that are passed on to offspring.
These changes can affect an individual's stress responses, attachment styles, and even their propensities for certain emotional states, all of which play critical roles in the dynamics of marital relationships. For example, if a previous generation experienced a significant loss or trauma, this may lead to an increased stress response in future generations.
In a marital relationship, this can manifest as apprehension, overprotection, or difficulty coping with change—traits that can strain the relationship if they are not understood and addressed.
Gene Expression and Relationship Patterns
Epigenetics highlights the consistency of certain patterns in relationships. Whether it is a tendency to avoid conflict, a tendency to care, or patterns of emotional distancing, many of these behaviors can be attributed to the epigenetic influence of our lineage.
The struggles and coping mechanisms of our family lineage are etched into our genetic makeup and affect the way we interact with our partners.
This understanding can be liberating for couples trapped in destructive cycles that seem inexplicable. By recognizing these influences, couples can transition from guilt to understanding, which can be a crucial step toward healing and growth.
Application of Epigenetic Insights in Couples Therapy Based on Family Constellations
Family constellation-based couples therapy offers a unique therapeutic approach: by bringing hidden dynamics within a family system to light, couples can understand the sources of their relational challenges. This understanding makes it possible to change entrenched patterns and paves the way for more supportive and satisfying relationships.
This therapeutic approach emphasizes the importance of honoring the past and acknowledging the present. By recognizing the struggles, sacrifices, and strengths of family lineages, couples can find a deeper sense of connection and purpose in their own lives. This perspective fosters a sense of belonging and continuity, which can be incredibly grounding and healing.
The Way Forward
As we continue to uncover the complex web of epigenetics and its impact on couple dynamics, it is clear that our relationships are deeply intertwined with historical and lineage experiences. This insight invites us to approach our romantic partnerships with a new sense of empathy and respect for the generational influences at play.
By integrating the insights of epigenetics into a family constellation-based couples therapy practice, we can begin to heal the wounds of the past, not only for ourselves but also for future generations.
This journey towards healing and understanding demonstrates the revolutionary power of love and highlights its ability to transcend time, trauma, and the very fabric of our genetic makeup. Thus, each couple's journey becomes a profound opportunity for intergenerational healing and growth, opening the door to more authentic and supportive relationships.
Examples from the Clinic
Shira and Roni: Breaking the Circle of Conflict
During a family constellation exercise that we performed in one of our sessions, the story of Shira's grandmother, who was abandoned by her husband, surfaced. This abandonment led to a deep fear of abandonment in Shira's mother as well, and the same anxiety was unconsciously passed on to Shira herself.
The intergenerational trauma from the family past found expression in Shira's present behaviors within her marital relationship. By recognizing this inherited pattern and working through the unspoken trauma of her grandmother and mother, Shira and Roni were able to uncover the source and understand the roots of their conflict. This insight allowed them to approach their relationship with greater empathy and awareness, ultimately breaking the cycle of conflict that plagued their relationship.
Alex and Leah: Healing the Wounds of the Past
Alex's great-grandfather died during the War of Independence, leaving behind a young wife who was heavily pregnant, herself a new immigrant and Holocaust survivor. The compounded loss—the war loss following the Holocaust—created a grief that was not properly mourned or discussed in the family. This unprocessed grief created an emotional barrier that was passed down from generation to generation, manifesting in Alex as an inability to connect on a deeper emotional level.
By bringing this trauma to light and honoring the grief of his grandmother and father, Alex was able to break free of the emotional blockage that prevented him from being vulnerable. This breakthrough had a profound effect on his relationship with Leah, allowing the couple to form a deeper emotional connection.
These examples from the processes of Shira and Roni, and Alex and Leah, illustrate how couples can open new paths for understanding, healing, and connection. Through family constellation therapy, these couples were empowered not only to improve their marital relationships but also to heal intergenerational wounds, contributing to a legacy of love and resilience.
Steps to Improve Your Marital Dynamics
A couple's journey is a unique combination of love, growth, and challenges. Epigenetics and family constellation therapy provide valuable insights into the profound influences on our relationships. As demonstrated by the couples' stories from the clinic, applying these insights can lead to significant improvements in how couples communicate and support each other.
Acknowledgment of the Past
The first step toward utilizing these insights is acknowledging the influence of the past, including not only the personal experiences of each partner but also the influences stemming from each one's family history. Recognizing that certain patterns in your relationship may be rooted in family issues or unprocessed traumas can provide a new perspective on recurring conflicts and challenges. Acknowledging this existence fosters a sense of compassion and understanding, allowing you to approach problems with empathy rather than blame.
Open Communication
With a new understanding of the role of epigenetics and inherited family dynamics, open and honest communication becomes even more important. Sharing insights and reflections on each other's family history will allow you to deepen mutual understanding. Share your feelings, fears, and aspirations in relation to what you have learned about your inherited patterns. This type of communication will not only strengthen your relationship but also help you navigate current and future challenges.
Cultivating Intergenerational Healing
Understanding the impact of epigenetics on relationships invites an opportunity for intergenerational healing. By addressing and resolving inherited issues, couples can not only improve their relationship but also contribute to the healing of their family lineages, both past and future generations. This healing process is a powerful testament to the couple's love and commitment, extending beyond their immediate relationship to positively affect the wider family system.

A few words in conclusion...
The journey towards a happy and healthy relationship is not only a matter of navigating the challenges of everyday life together, but also involves understanding and healing the effects we inherited from our family systems.
Applying the insights from the science of epigenetics allows couples to navigate their relationships with greater awareness and compassion.
By actually acknowledging the past, having open communication and fostering intergenerational healing, couples can unlock deeper dimensions of love and connection, and pave the way for a legacy of love that flows between generations.
Sivan Avni - Couples counseling based on family constellations in Kiryat Tivon and online.