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The Power of Letting Go: How to Heartfully Release Your Ex with Two Transformative Self-Constellation Exercises

Writer's picture: Sivan AvniSivan Avni

Updated: Jul 5, 2024

Breakups can be one of the most difficult emotional experiences that many of us will go through in our lives. They not only signify the end of a relationship but also often lead to a period of self-reflection and personal growth. The upcoming post discusses the significance of nurturing positive feelings towards our ex-partners for our overall well-being and development.

let it go

Why is it important to give a good place in your heart to your ex-spouse?

After a breakup, strong emotions surface, with hurt, betrayal, or disappointment often becoming the main focus. During this emotional upheaval, the notion of holding a positive space for your former partner in your heart may appear illogical or unattainable. Nevertheless, this principle is fundamental for the process of healing and personal development within the framework of family constellation therapy, carrying significant implications for our emotional health and future connections.

Clutching onto negative emotions or bitterness towards your former spouse not only extends the emotional suffering from the separation but can also hinder personal development and joy. Negative feelings can weigh heavily on us, depleting our energy and clouding our outlook. Conversely, approaching the relationship and its conclusion with empathy and comprehension enables us to let go of this weight. It paves the way for healing, forgiveness, and advancement.

Reserving a special place in your heart for your ex doesn't mean excusing hurtful behavior or ignoring your pain. Instead, it involves recognizing the impact the relationship had on your life, the personal growth it inspired, and the lessons learned. It's about understanding that both you and your ex are complex individuals with strengths and weaknesses and that your shared past is a significant chapter in your life story.

From a systemic viewpoint, this approach helps bring harmony and structure to your emotional world. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of our relationships and how they influence us. By coming to peace with the past, we can release unresolved emotional attachments that could otherwise impact future relationships in subtle ways. This enables us to approach new relationships with a more open and clear heart, unburdened by past grievances. Moreover, giving your ex a positive place in your heart fosters an appreciation for the shared moments, regardless of how the relationship concluded. This shift in perspective can transform our narrative from one of loss and defeat into one of progress and strength. It nurtures a healthier relationship with ourselves, enhancing our self-esteem and self-value.

Essentially, reconciling with past relationships is a valuable self-gift. It plays a vital role in the process of recovering from a breakup and establishing the groundwork for future relationships filled with love and fulfillment. Embracing this mindset allows us to find resolution, as well as ready ourselves to give and receive love wholeheartedly in the days ahead.

Family Background Influence in Relationships: Insights from Bert Hellinger

At the beginning of a relationship, we often overlook how our family background energetically accompanies us, resonating with our partner's background. Beneath the surface, our family history attempts to resolve, integrate, or reconcile something through our partner.

Bert Hellinger, the founder of family constellation therapy, identified timeless principles known as "Orders of Love" that guide family and romantic dynamics. Understanding and applying these principles can significantly enhance our chances of developing the fulfilling and connected relationships many of us crave.

Our partners act as mirrors, reflecting aspects of ourselves buried deep in our subconscious. Often, these are the parts of us that have been hurt and require acknowledgment and healing.

It's important to recognize that every partner we've been with in the past was exactly who we needed at that point in time, based on our level of awareness. Moreover, if we leave a relationship without acknowledging and owning our part in its dynamics and without learning its lessons, unresolved issues are likely to persist in future relationships. Therefore, engaging in emotional processing, grieving the loss of the relationship, the shared future that will never be, unmet expectations, and the unique aspects of ourselves that surfaced in the relationship is critical.

Especially after a breakup, it's crucial to explore childhood wounds that sought healing through our partners, allowing us to begin healing as the adults we are now and make room within ourselves for a healthier next relationship.

Progressing towards a place of understanding and compassion for an ex-partner, particularly after a painful breakup, can be a challenging journey. However, it's a journey worth undertaking for your emotional well-being and personal growth. The following Orders of Love pertain to our exes, as well as the exes of our current partners, enabling us to be fully present in our current or future relationships. Understanding and applying them can help prevent an unhealthy situation where our children carry the residual energy of our previous relationships.

Orders of Love with Former Spouses

The love orders with former spouses include:

  1. Processing the underlying pain beneath all the anger and guilt over the end of the relationship.

  2. Acknowledging that the ex-partners were the right people for us at the time.

  3. Taking responsibility for our role in the couple dynamics:

  4. Expressing gratitude for the positive aspects of the relationship and keeping a place for them in our hearts.

  5. Avoid sharing intimate details about them with our current partner.

  6. Avoid criticizing them, as it implies that we might do the same if our current relationship ends.

  7. Acknowledging their presence in our children and nurturing the part of our children that comes from them, to ensure that our children feel whole and loved as they are.

  8. Allowing our children to maintain contact with the other parent, regardless of our past, and instructing the children to leave our parenting problems with us.

  9. Wishing them all the best in life.

By incorporating these principles, you can foster healthier relationships and ensure a better emotional environment for yourself and your children.

Orders of Love with Our Partner's Ex

The order of love with our partner's ex includes:

  1. Accepting our status among our spouse's ex-spouses with respect, even if we weren't the first.

  2. Developing a sense of recognition and gratitude towards them for paving the way to our present relationship.

  3. Respecting the privacy and intimacy of their previous relationships by avoiding probing out of curiosity or insecurity.

  4. If there are children involved, recognize their priority in our spouse's life and make time for family bonding.

  5. Avoid comparisons or competition with them.

By embracing these principles, we can create a more harmonious and respectful relationship with our partner, fostering a healthier environment for everyone involved.

Self-Constellation Exercise for a Healthy Release from Your Ex


Find a quiet and private space where you can perform this exercise without interruptions.


Take a moment to center yourself. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on your intention to release and heal.


Representation Setup:

  • Place a page on the floor that represents you and stand on it.

  • Place another sheet for your ex in front of you at a distance that feels safe.

Broad Perspective:

  • Take a few steps back to see the relationship from a broader perspective.

  • Pay attention to everything that comes to mind - thoughts, body sensations, emotions. Allow room for everything, including objections and opacity. Let everything arrive, stay, and pass.


  • Stand on your page and pay attention to your feelings as you look at the representation opposite.


  • Move to your ex-partner's representation page, stand on it, and notice the feelings from their perspective when they see you.


  • Return to your representation page and reflect on your feelings.


When you feel ready to release your ex, say:

"Thank you for what you brought to my life."
"I will keep what was good in my heart and what I complain about, I will look inside so that I can learn more about myself and grow, instead of blaming you."
"I take responsibility for what I brought to the relationship and I leave what is yours with you."
"I give you and the love we shared a special place in my heart and our children."
"I wish you all the best."

Completion of the Constellation Exercise:

  1. Place your left palm under your right armpit.

  2. Place your right palm over your left shoulder.

  3. Breathe deeply into the hug and relax the neck and shoulder muscles.

  4. Allow relaxation for the head, neck, and chin.

  5. Stand in a self-hug for a minute. Echo the words:

For those who are interested, it is recommended to practice this exercise regularly for continued healing and release.

Self-Constellation Exercise to Release Your Partner's Ex from Influence in Your Relationship


Find a quiet and private space where you can perform this exercise without interruptions.


Take a moment to center yourself. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on your intention to release and heal.


Representation Setup:

  • Use sheets, kitchen towels, constellation fabrics, or anything that can be used as landmarks on the floor.

  • Place one representation for you.

  • Place a second representation by your side for your current partner.

  • Place a third representation opposite you for the ex-spouse of your partner.

Broad Perspective:

  • Take a few steps back and look at the constellation - the structure.

  • Move what you feel you need or want to move.


  • Stand on your representation and pay attention to your feelings.

  • Move to your partner's representation, stand on it, and notice the feelings from their perspective.

  • Stand on the ex's representation and notice the feelings from their perspective.


  • Each time, look at the system from a new perspective and pay attention to everything that comes to your mind from each representation.

Silent Work:

  • Do the work in silence. Spend a minute or two standing on each representation until you begin to receive information, feel sensations, emotions, or thoughts. Move to the next representation when it feels enough.


  • After you have finished going through the structure, place your partner in the present next to you.

  • If it is a male partner, place him to your right.

  • If it is a female partner, place her to your left.

  • Stand together so that the ex is in front of both of you.


When you feel it is appropriate, say to the representation of the ex:

"I am the daughter/partner of..., you were here before."
"Thanks to your breakup, we are now in a relationship."
"I thank you for all the good you could give him/her."
"You are the mother/father of your children. This place is yours and will always be reserved only for you."
"I wish you all the best."

Now look at the representation of your current partner and say out loud:

"I love you just the way you are."
"I accept you as you are with your past and your destiny."

Engaging in this exercise can help you let go of any remaining effects from your partner's previous relationship and enhance your current relationship.

felt heart

Self-Constellation: Meeting the Mythological Ex

Finally, our eyes met.

She asked me, "Is that you?"

"It's me," I answered and felt my heart fly.

"We finally met," I managed to stutter.

She looked directly at me. I felt her examining me from my feet to the top of my head.

"That's not how I imagined you," she said after a moment that lasted forever.

"How did you imagine a mythological ex?" I asked.

"I don't know," she shrugged, "younger."

"It's been over twenty years. We're getting old."

"Yes," she said thoughtfully, her body language becoming impatient.

"I want to tell you something. I feel that now I can tell you that."

"What? What do you have to tell me? I'm not related to you at all."

"Yes, you are! I was before you. I am the mother of his unborn child. My child in my heart. He is my children's older brother and your children's too. We are bound by the thickness of our mercy."

Her shocked expression mirrored my own. I felt a dreadful lump in my throat upon hearing this idea.

"I want you to know that I'm doing well. The past event led me to a new life path, as it did for him. That event also led to my marriage and the birth of our children. It brought you and him together, resulting in the birth of your children. Ultimately, everything worked out positively. We are two mothers who share a significant connection through time. My first child is the elder sibling to both my children and yours, bridging our family lines. I understand it now. Thank you for crossing paths with me," I express before turning to exit the room.

I am experiencing a sense of immense relief as the colored felt fabrics continue to rest on the clinic floor, connecting with the cool, damp ground.

2 matryoshkas

Emotional Freedom and Relative Maturity

Developing a positive attitude towards an ex-spouse is crucial for attaining emotional liberation and a sense of maturity. These attributes play a vital role in fostering healthy and satisfying relationships, as well as promoting personal well-being.

Attaining Inner Peace through Emotional Liberation

Emotional liberation entails freeing oneself from the negative emotions linked to previous relationships. It entails confronting the pain and discovering tranquility within oneself. This liberation empowers individuals to engage with life and new relationships unburdened by past issues, fostering more wholesome interactions and emotional reactions. To achieve emotional liberation, one must engage in self-reflection, embrace forgiveness, and make a deliberate choice to release the past. It involves deciding not to allow past events to govern one's happiness or future.

Developing Relational Maturity: Nurturing Relationships with Wisdom

Relational maturity involves having a profound understanding of oneself and the intricacies of relationships. It entails recognizing the patterns that lead to either conflict or fulfillment and actively choosing to cultivate healthier relationships. Individuals with a relative level of maturity acknowledge that both parties play a role in the success or failure of relationships. They view conflicts as opportunities for personal growth rather than causes for resentment. This maturity enables them to establish healthy boundaries, communicate effectively, and show empathy and understanding towards their partners.

Embracing these traits not only promotes personal development but also establishes a groundwork for more significant and rewarding relationships. By attaining emotional liberation, one can break free from past vulnerabilities and, with relative maturity, approach future relationships with a grounded and compassionate demeanor. These attributes combined ensure a life filled with love, comprehension, and genuine connections.


Comprehending the systemic approach to relationships and recognizing the significance of holding a positive space for your ex is crucial for personal growth and advancement. By fostering a constructive attitude towards your ex, you not only attain emotional liberation but also develop emotional maturity, setting the stage for healthier and more satisfying relationships in the future. Engaging in self-practice through constellation healing statements can greatly aid in this journey. Participating in couple therapy centered on family constellations at our clinic can assist you in releasing the weight of past experiences, including former relationships, enabling you to enhance the quality of your current relationship and overall life satisfaction.


Sivan Avni - couples therapy based on Family Constellations and Differentiation.


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